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What Do Health Care Jobs Pay?

What Do Health Care Jobs Pay?

There should be more to choosing a career path than the salary or wage features of the job. But truth be told, how much money people can earn in salary or wages on their job is equally important. This explains why many considering choosing a career in the healthcare field ask questions along this line.

You should keep reading this occupational piece in the International Health Alliance lifestyle section. This is as the data contained here will help answer this commonly asked question and a few others in passing.

How Well Paying Are Jobs in the Health and Medical Care Field?

Many factors determine the exact amount that professionals in the health and medical care line earn every year. But based on the geographic differential average, the annual median take-home is close to $60,000. It is important to note that the salary or wage range is very wide for people that work in the health and medical care field. This is because it is determined by so many factors.

Factors that Influence How Much Money People with Health and Medical Care Jobs Earn

By and large, the healthcare sector is one of the most well-paying ones in this country. Whether or not what the sector is paying matches up to the demands of the services offered is another argument.

For example, its well-paying status explains why many immigrants make a concise effort to get medical education and employment in the healthcare field. Some of these people just enroll for short-term programs, making them qualified to work in healthcare management fields, or as assistants to technicians, physicians, therapists, and many such professionals.

This is rather than spending years running a bachelor’s or master’s degree required to work as a physical therapist, nurse, physician, dental professional, and several others. What healthcare jobs pay is influenced by factors such as:

Specific Profession in the Health and Medical Care Field

Specific Profession in the Health and Medical Care Field

Healthcare workers make up people with jobs in many health and medical care fields. So, we have workers in nursing, physicians, dental professionals, physical therapists, and countless others. There are even workers with jobs that do not have to do with direct patient care. In other words, they do not have to treat patients but are well involved in the health and medical care sector. Those in healthcare management and medical transcriptionists are very good examples.

The medical sub-field matters a lot. This is because healthcare workers do not earn the same thing. For example, while the median pay for surgeons and physicians is over $200,000, the median pay for a registered nurse is close to $80,000.

Level of Medical Education

As mentioned earlier, not every patient care and non-patient care worker has a bachelor, master, or doctorate – degree. Some of these workers simply get short-term education that qualifies them to work in some minor capacity in the health and medical line.

As such, they do not earn as much as people who have thorough medical education in their field. For example, while the median pay for a registered nurse is close to $80,000, the average median pay for orderlies and nursing assistants is just a little over $30,000. In essence, medical education matters as well.

This is quite understandable considering the professional limits of assistants. For example, a physician assistant is not professionally certified to conduct a pelvic exam to detect pregnancy or reproductive health issues.


As a result of differences in the demand for health and medical care services, as well as other factors, some states are known for paying healthcare workers better or worse than others. So, this might influence the state in the country where you choose to work.

For example, a state like Hawaii is one of the highest-paying regions in the country for healthcare workers. Others include California and Oregon. A state like West Virginia does not fare well in this regard. Others include Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. So, the location matters a lot.

The Employer

On average, the public healthcare system does not pay the same rate as the private healthcare system. Besides this, some private healthcare employers will end up paying their workers a lot more or less than each other.


Besides training, experience counts a lot in the health and medical care line. This is why what workers earn will likely increase with time. This is simply growth in the field.

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