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How Much Water Should I Drink a Day?

How Much Water Should I Drink a Day?

Water intake is very important for health and well-being. Just so you know, the water fluid forms the larger part of your body fluids. As a result, there is a need to top up water fluid lost through normal activities like breath, urine, and solid excretion. But the question is how much water you should drink every day as a result.

Here on the nutrition page of the International Health Alliance website, we will identify the dynamics of this question and provide a well-researched answer. So, read on to stay informed.

Several Factors Determine Ideal Amount of Daily Water Intake

Frankly, a figure that works for one person might not work for another. So, it will help to understand the dynamics that determine the ideal amount of water that you should drink every day. But by and large, certain bodies committed to healthy living have conducted medical studies to this effect. As a result, suggestions on this subject have been offered.

One such is that average female adults should do fine drinking between 85 ounces to 100 ounces of water each day. That is roughly between 10 cups to 13 cups of water every day.

For male adults, more water intake is recommended. Average male adults are fine drinking between 118 ounces to 135 ounces daily. That is roughly between 14 cups to 17 cups of water daily.

But mind you, there are several dynamics to answering how much water you should drink every day. As a result, some persons will have to add more ounces or cups of water to their daily water intake. Conversely, some will have to drink less than what has been mentioned here.

Factors that Determine Ideal Levels of Water Intake

Water is a very important fluid that will help people live healthy lives. This is because of its several benefits and staying hydrated is one of the main goals of drinking ideal amounts of water daily. This is to avoid the complications that dehydration can cause.

For example, the chances are very high that dehydration would lead to severe headaches or even migraine. So, hydration (especially through water intake) is of utmost importance for healthy living. Against this backdrop, factors that determine ideal amounts of water that you should drink every day include:


Enjoying the benefits of water is one of the reasons proper nutrition is of the essence. Just so you know, water intake into the body does not only come through drinking water fluid. Other than that, certain foods contain water. Coffee and many other liquid drinks are good examples.

But mind you, some liquid drinks can leave you more dehydrated despite containing water. Liquid drinks that have high amounts of sugar are examples. So, be mindful of drinks that have high amounts of sugar in them.

A food like watermelon fruit is one of the best fruits for staying hydrated. This is seeing how it consists of plain water for the most part.

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

The amount of physical activity you involve yourself in every day influences how much water you need to drink. For example, people who exercise for weight loss purposes lose water fluid in the body. This is especially through perspiration (sweating). They need to add that lost water fluid back at the very least. This informs the need to drink more water.


Studies on this platform and several others have revealed how this is a determining factor. Temperature and blood regulation would likely demand more water as people age. Other than this, people are usually more susceptible to the dangers of dehydration as they age.

This is why someone that is 60 years would most likely need more water than someone that is 16 years. By and large, adults usually need more water than children. Especially for aging people that want to lose weight, we even advise that they drink water while fasting. This is to ensure hydration in the body is not threatened.

Frankly, these are just a few of the factors that determine the ideal amount of water that you should drink daily. Atmospheric conditions, sex, and state of health are some of the other factors.

Speaking of one’s state of health, do you know drinking water can help pregnant women when they start to feel hot during pregnancy? Yes, it does! So, these are just some of the factors explained and mentioned here.

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