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How Many Calories Break a Fast During Intermittent Fasting?

How Many Calories Break a Fast During Intermittent Fasting?

You break your fast the moment you consume anything that contains calories. But if you must break the fast and still enjoy fasting benefits, do not go beyond 20-30 calories. Read on as we discuss more on this subject.

The Concept of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting implies that you have a defined window for fasting and eating. The time for eating is distinct from the time allotted for fasting. This would go on for hours in a day or even days.

The essence of this practice is to enjoy the health benefits attached to intermittent fasting. Proper regulation of insulin and blood levels are some of the benefits involved. But for the most part, people indulge in intermittent fasts to achieve weight loss goals. Even men and women who want to lose butt fat and fat in several other body parts fall into this category.

When done properly, intermittent fasting will help the body reach ketosis. This means that the body will be compelled to start burning fat for fuel. This is as against the normal metabolic practice of burning carbs for fuel.

As a result, excess weight or fat will be shed in the process. But as mentioned above, this is not the only (health) benefit of intermittent fasting.

What Can You Eat or Drink that Would not Break Your Fast?

Anything that contains calories will break your fast to a certain extent. The extent to which your fast will be broken depends on the number of calories in consumed foods. As far as diet is concerned, this is why water is the best thing to consume during an intermittent fast. So, you can drink water during your fast. This is as long as you have to take something during the fast.

The reason is that water (all things being equal) is free of any form of calories. But even the decision to take water should be controlled. This is because there is such a thing as water fat (although temporary).

Can Anybody Practice Intermittent Fasting?

Only people healthy enough to practice intermittent fasting are to indulge in the weight loss program. You have to be certain that you are eligible to practice intermittent fasting. This is especially important for people with prior history of, or currently dealing with certain health complications.

Diabetes is an example. It is for this reason you might have to get the go-ahead from your doctor or medical professional before deciding to practice intermittent fasting.

Low-Calorie Drinks and Foods You May Take During Intermittent Fasting

Staying away from foods during the fasting window is the best way to enjoy the full-fledged benefits of intermittent fasting. But let’s face it, this is not realistic for everyone.

If for whatever reason eating or drinking something during your fast will happen, make an effort to only consume foods or liquids with low calories. The chosen diet should have no sugar or anything rich in calories. Some food and drink can come in handy in this regard and some include:

  • Tea and Herbal Tea
  • Coffee
  • Watermelon
  • Bone Broth

All these and many others like them have calories. However, they are very few calories and will still help you benefit from the health advantages of intermittent fasting. But even at that, do not eat or drink too much.


You will break your fast the moment you eat anything that contains calories. This is regardless of how low the amount of calories is. This is why water remains the best thing to consume during intermittent fasting. But for those that require a diet beyond water during fasts, we have listed a few above – herbal tea, coffee, bone broth, tea…

By being conscious of what you eat or drink during your intermittent fasts, your weight loss plans will become more feasible. More weight loss-related articles can be found in the weight loss section of the International Health Alliance platform.

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