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How Much Water Should You Drink a Day in Liters?

How Much Water Should You Drink a Day in Liters?

Amongst other determining factors, your body weight should determine how much water you should drink every day (in liters or litres). Using this standard, drinking water that makes up a third of your body weight (in ounces) is what we recommend.

Going by this recommendation, you should drink 60 ounces of water fluid daily if you weigh 180 pounds. This is as 60 is a third of 180. For the most part, this is one of the best ways to figure out how much water you should drink (in liters) every day.

However, there are other factors you might have to consider in determining your daily water intake. We will go over a few of them here and so you should read on to stay informed.

Factors that Should Influence How Much Water You Drink Every Day

An anonymous diet specialist aptly explained water as life’s most important fluid besides blood. It is so important that some weight-loss experts recommend drinking water even while fasting. The point established here is that water is essential for healthy living. The health of people that do not have enough of this fluid in their body system will most likely be compromised by dehydration.

Seeing how dehydration can lead to a wide range of health complications, making sure you stay hydrated; by drinking the required amount of water every day is necessary. To do this, your body weight should be a major deciding factor as pointed out above. But other influencing factors include:


A lot of body changes are likely to happen as a person ages. Some of these likely changes necessitate the need for people to drink more water. This is why someone who is 50 years of age will most likely need to drink more water than someone who is 15 years. Some of these changes influenced by age include:

  • Temperature changes
  • Less effective excretory organs and excretory system
  • Passing out urine more frequently
  • High levels of body toxicity and the need to detoxify with water

For these reasons and other possible reasons, drinking more cups or glasses of water is something that an aging person might have to do.

Your Food Intake

Your Food Intake

Water fluid is largely the body’s hydration source. However, there are other ways the body gets hydrated. Another way is through the consumption of certain foods and even drinks.

Those that take enough of such foods and drinks that have so much water fluid, might not have to drink as much water as initially recommended. But be aware that even some fluids that contain water are rather ironic.

This is considering how they contain properties that leave people that drink them dehydrated. Drinks that contain high levels of sugar are a very good example. Be careful of such drinks; to avoid the complications caused by dehydration.

By and large, good nutrition is of the essence and this includes drinking the required amount of water for healthy living. Just so you know, water (coupled with other things) can increase metabolism to help you lose weight.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Some people have weight loss plans. To lose weight, they hit the gym exercising and engage in all sorts of physical activities. For one, there are benefits to exercise and increased activity levels.

It will help avoid the disadvantages associated with a sedentary lifestyle. This is not only something that has been pointed out here. It has also been emphasized on platforms such as the Mayo Clinic health resource platform.

But the thing is that you lose lots of water as you exercise and engage in high-intensity activity. This happens mostly through increased breathing and perspiration.

Medicine Consumption

Of course, the goal of taking medicine is to get better and overcome certain health complications. However, even medications have their side effects. Some medicines can quickly lead to dehydration.

Such medications include – Furosemide, Triamterene, Eplerenone, Torsemide, Bumetanide, and Chlorothiazide. Make sure to increase your water intake if you use any of these medications.


Before we go any further with this point, you should know that some of the explained relationships between water and the skin are exaggerated. For example, some reports suggest that water is the principal thing that will help moisturize this part of the body.

This is exaggerated and there must be a balance to such reports. Water can indeed help. However, it only plays a minor role. People that want improved skin can add drinking more water to a list of other helpful things.

However, make sure you are not overdoing it as there are possible downsides. You can check the nutrition page of the International Health Alliance website for more nutrition-related content.

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